• Choose Your Own Booktalk
    Book Reviews,  Booktalks,  eBooks,  Gamification

    CROB: Choose Your Own Booktalk

      During the pandemic I started to explore the best way to connect books with students.  This led to some creative ways to share books with students.  I have always found that standing and delivering content leads to comatose students.  If I could come up with a way to engage student during the booktalk I may just increase engagement.  So I have used several techniques and edtech solutions.  Choose Your Own Booktalk (CROB) One such solution was borrowed from a favorite book of mine which I call CROB or Choose Your Own Booktalk (Click link to see an example).  How many of you loved Choose Your Own Adventure books as…

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    Upgrading the Booktalk

    Booktalking is a standard librarian activity and there are so many different ways to do it and I have done quite a few of them.  At the Middle School/High School Level this is one of the ways we can continue to inspire students to read for enjoyment.  I have tried the book cafe, musical books, book-tastings, book dating, lecture style book talk, book trailer stations, #booksnaps, and Peardeck Booktalks.  I will talk about all of them and the benefits and drawbacks for each one.  I love books and sharing them with students is the best but even better is when they share with me 🙂 Book Tastings/Dating Let’s start with…